X戰警:金鋼狼--X-Men Origins: Wolverine


6.5 / 544,875人    107分鐘

導演: 蓋文胡德
編劇: 大衛班尼歐夫
演員: 休傑克曼 萊恩雷諾斯 李佛薛伯 多明尼克莫納罕 琳恩·柯林斯


2009-06-04 06:38:58


For my movie review this week I am looking at the number one film in the North American box offices, namely: "X-man Origin: Wolverine" starring Hugh Jackman and directed by Gavin Hood.

The plot goes like this: after abandoning the X-team consisting of mutants, Wolverine leads a detached life with his wife in the deep forest and works as a lumberjack. But the happiness and peace is broken up as Victor Creed, also known as Sabertooth, shows up and murders his wife Kayla.

Wolverine becomes desperate to seek revenge against Sabertooth but is easily defeated. As a result, wolverine agrees with Stryker to have his skeletal system reinforced with an indestructible metal. After the "operation", Stryker orders his memory to be erased, but Wolverine hears this in the testing tub and then flees. However, what the furious wolverine doesn't know is that he is trapped in a well-planed plot.

I went to the cinema for this movie with a bunch of friends, and at the end we couldn't reach consensus. While the boys were discussing the brusque and underdeveloped plot, the girls all seemed obsessed with the images of the naked Hugh Jackman. Whatever the feedback, it all points towards one conclusion: the movie is stupid, clumsy and contains contrived stunts and needless nudity.

With regard to narrative, the film leaves a lot to ponder over its storyline. Why is Wolverine's father murdered at the beginning? What makes him and his brother unite again in the fight against Stryker? Why on earth did he leave the X-team in the first place? As all these questions pile up in my mind, the romance part of the movie also appears to be weak and dubious. If the director had given this side of the story more time to grow and develop movie goers may have found it more believable.

While the "sexiest man in the world" Hugh Jackman does guarantee part of the box office revenue, especially from the female audiences, it's still pretty pathetic for a motion picture as expensive as this one to rely on such gimmick.

Overall, I'd give X-man Origin: Wolverine a 5.5 out of 10.