超異能英雄:第一季--Heroes: Season 1


7.5 / 253,398人    45分鐘 | 60分鐘 (including commercials)



2009-06-06 06:47:05

分享下我喜歡的台詞 還有,最後那集怪怪的 ……

一個季看下來感覺還可以…還是比較吸引我………不過最後那集感覺也太煽情了 明顯的在拖延時間 還有最後為什麼都覺得沒有其他辦法了? 皮特不是有生還功能麼 像上次克萊爾中彈的那次他都可以把子彈吐出來啊 只要讓他暫時死一下不就好了 或者也可以打一劑鎮靜劑 那個人上次要爆炸的時候不是也是打了鎮靜劑然後度過去了嗎……哎 感覺是刻意安排個鏡頭讓他哥哥出現一下 然後扇一下情 而且最受不了的就是當時那麼緊急的情況 誰都不知道什麼時候爆炸 他們還在那邊磨嘰磨嘰的 就不擔心還沒磨嘰完就爆炸了?想不通想不通啊~~~~不過還是蠻喜歡皮特的 ~~~O(∩_∩)O哈!
1、love:May we stay away from it when it’s no good for us.當它對我們無益時,我們可以遠離
2、Most of the time in relation, when somebody makes a mistake the other person just pretends it didn』t happen. But when someone thinks you made a mistake and you didn』t, it just gets a lot more complicated.
3、every man is on a journey to find his place in the world
4、you do not choose your destiny, it chooses you
5、the earth is large, large enough that you can hide from anything, if only you found a place far enough away, so you run .you can run far, you can take your small precautions, but have you really gotten away? Can you ever escape? Or is the truth that you do not have the strength or cunning to hide from destiny? (或者你其實根本無力也無法逃離命運) but the world is not small, you are. And fate can find you anywhere(而在命運面前 你無處藏身)。
6、we are ,if anything,creatures of habit……drawn to the safety and comfort of the familiar. Butwhat happens when the familiar becomes unsafe? When the fear that we have been desperately trying to avoid finds us where we live?人和事如果讓我們有安全感,覺得舒適而又為之熟悉……我們總是墨守成規。但是當熟悉的事變的危險時會怎麼樣呢?當那些我們拼命嘗試逃避的恐懼侵襲而來 我們該何去何從呢?
7、we are all,at our cores,the sum of our fears. To embrace destiny,we must,inevitably,face thosethose fears and conquer them.. whether they come from the familiar or the unknown.基於我們本質的不同 我們都有害怕的東西,但為了直面命運 我們必須也不得不 去面對這些恐懼並戰勝它們。不論他們是我們所熟悉的 或者還是我們未知的.
8 to everything,there is a season,and a time to every purpose. As we desperately try to keep from being thrown off. The earth spins at 1000miles an hour. Like the first blush of winter that signals a great migration.對萬物而言 每個目標都有特定的時期和特定的期限。當我們拼命地嘗試不被進化拋棄時,地球正以每小時一千米的速度環行,就像是預示著初冬來臨的萬物大遷徙
9 was the die cast from the very beginning? Or is it in our own hands to alter the course of destiny?of all our abilities,it is free will that truly makes us unique. With it,we have a tiny,but potent,chance to deny fate. And only with it can we find our way back to being human.冥冥中一切早已註定了嗎?還是有我們自己去改變命運?在我們所有的能力當中是自由意志使我們如此特別.有它,我們才有了一個小小的但卻有時效的機會去改變命運。也只有它 才是我們不迷失人性之路
10、to survive in this world,we hold close to us those people on whom we depand. We trust in them our hopes,our fears. But what happens when trust is lost? Where do we run when things we believe in vanish before eyes? When all seems lost ,the future unknowable, our very existence in peril……all we can do ,is run.為了在這個世界生存下去,我們必須和我們所依靠的人緊緊團結在一起。我們全心的信賴他們 分享我們彼此的希望和恐懼。但當我們所相信的不復存在時會怎樣?當我們深信不疑的事從我們眼前消失的時候 我們該何去何從?當一無所有的時候 未來變得撲朔迷離,我們哪怕是生存都要步步為營……我們唯一能做的……就是繼續前行。
11、why are we here? What is the soul?why do we dream? Perhaps we』d be better off not looking at all. Not delving, not yearning. But that’s not human nature, n not the human heart. That is not why we are here. Yet still we struggle to make a difference. To change the world, to dream of hope. Never knowing for certain who we will meet along the way. Who among the world of strangers will hold our hand. Touch our hearts. And share the pain of trying.我們為何會存在?靈魂是什麼?我們為何做夢?也許我們本該不去考慮。沒有追求,沒有嚮往。但這並非人類的天性,也不是出自本意.更不是我們存在的意義。我們至今仍在奮鬥.去改變世界 去實現夢想。我們不知道 在尋求真理的路上會遇見誰 在廣闊世界裡 陌生人群中 誰會與我們攜手共進。觸摸我們的心靈 分享失敗的痛苦
12、home is anywhere our family is together
13 so much struggle for meaning, for purpose. And in the end, we find it only in each other. Our shared experience of the fantastic. And the mundane。為了最終的目標 我們如此的鬥爭 最終卻在彼此身上找到了它 那就是我們曾有有過的卓越與平凡的共同體驗