2009-06-08 06:33:38
朱諾只是個16歲的女孩子,卻非常勇敢,和自己喜歡的人ML,然後堅持把孩子生下來。選擇把孩子送養後,雖然發現那個家庭並不幸福,但她依舊履行自己的承諾。她懂得愛,更勇敢為愛付出。當她知道自己最喜歡的還是bleeker的時候,她去追求自己的幸福。當無數 tic tac從信箱中掉出的時候,沒有人會不感動。最後當朱諾把孩子生下來,然後自己躺在床上哭的時候,bleeker來了,一起陪伴她。他們都決定不去看這個不屬於他們的孩子......
I just need to know whether 2 people can stay happy together forever.The best way is to find somebody who loves you because excactly what you are.Good mood bad mood ugrly pretty handsome,what have you.The
right person still can find sunshine from
yourass.That's kind of person you're worth to stay with. anyonelse but you:you are a part time lover and a fulltime friend.......I don't see what anyone can see,in anyone else but you.You are always trying to keep it real,I'm in love with how you feel.