經典老爺車--Gran Torino


8.1 / 823,028人    116分鐘

導演: 克林伊斯威特
編劇: 尼克史堅克
演員: 克林伊斯威特 克里斯多夫卡利 畢范 安妮赫爾 約翰卡羅林區


2009-06-13 15:39:03

That special one

What did Walt have to confess before his death? Kissing a woman who's not his wife, failing to pay tax on a cash deal, and being distant from his sons. Yeah, he's a decent man, better than a lot of the nice people around him. However he's perceived a mean guy, unreasonable and antisocial.
The thing touched me the most is one part of the back story. Although Walt maybe doesn't have many friends and he's not a loving father, he's deeply in love and appreciated his wife of many years. He said his wife Dorthy was the best thing happened to him. He only went to church because she'd like him to go. At the end, he gave his house to the church because "Dorthy would like it".
Walt is a lonely soul who's troubled by the dark memory from the war he fought. His wife and his love to her could just be the most beautiful thing in his life. So, even the world thinks he's mean, why would he care, he's got that one special person knowing he's a good man.