紅色小提琴--The Red Violin


7.7 / 29,109人    130分鐘 | France:140分鐘

導演: 佛朗科斯吉哈德
編劇: Don McKellar and 佛朗科斯吉哈德
演員: 卡勒洛謝奇 Irene Grazioli Anita Laurenzi Tommaso Puntelli


2009-06-22 14:28:43

Violon rouge, Le

Frankly speaking, I got be disappointed. A fragmental story making without any central points. It is Neither a documental nor a story telling film. Compare to other musical movie, like 'Farinelli: il castrato', it's short on a integrated story (personally, I like the songs in Farinelli more than which in TRV, let along the poor story making). Compare to other combinative movies, too much out there, it's really really short on a central point. I totally lost on what is the point the director, Mr. François Girard, want to make. If this is a impressionism movie, I just fail to get it and I'm 99% sure it was not suppose to be. Ok, all in all, I will give it a 3-stars.