命運決勝點--Cassandra's Dream


6.6 / 54,183人    108分鐘

導演: 伍迪艾倫
編劇: 伍迪艾倫
演員: 伊旺麥奎格 湯姆威金森 柯林法洛 海莉艾特沃 莎莉霍金斯


2009-07-05 20:46:58

Cassandra's Dream

    Woody Allen always can give us an ending with surprise.
    This is time. it's the fate of Ian and terry.
    Ian, when he firstly meet Angela, he is starting to pretend to be a wealthy man with an old jag. But when he is with the waitress in his dad's restaurant, he is honest, honest about the lending of the classic car. He started to care about this woman. Maybe everybody is mean to be a right person for someone. And they become crazy when meeting this guy or girl.

    So poor terry, an old story and tragdy of a gambler. He just can not help to playing poker. And the bet is bigger and bigger. Anyway, he is also on the way to give something.
    poor me...I am going to stop writing...My poor english...make me ..byebye..