駭客任務完結篇:最後戰役--The Matrix Revolutions


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導演: 安迪華卓斯基 拉娜華卓斯基
編劇: 安迪華卓斯基 拉娜華卓斯基
演員: 基努李維 勞倫斯費許朋 莫妮卡貝露琪 凱莉安摩絲 潔達蘋姬史密斯


2009-07-31 18:31:04

After watching "the Matrix"

- everything is objectively meaningless and pointless...without any purpose. we human being are meaning-searching kind of animals, so we create reasons and ideology to justify our world and our behavior.

- what we see, hear, and feel isn』t really real, I don』t mean they don』t really exist, it’s just not objectively as what we see, hear and feel… the blue sky isn』t really blue, and the warm weather isn』t really warm, nothing should really be described by any kind of adjectives, it’s us, the human brain, according to our cognition and standards, give each entity a description. we can never really know what the world really looks like, cos we are forever slaves to our brain, which designs us with specific standards and protocols to define and determine the certain attributes of each entity. ( have you ever thought about why ugly is ugly? and good is good? why babies are cute, and red signifies warm and blue means cold?….)

- you can never really know or prove whether what you are experiencing is real, or you are just dreaming. if you don』t believe this statement, talk to any of the recovering schizophrenia patients. (oh, John Nash knows all about this (the economics Nobel Prize winner) he thought he had a roommate, he thought he was working on a highly classified government project, cos he SAW those people, and HEARD those people talking to him…. none of that happened, it’s just his brain)

- you think something happened, or you experienced something cos your brain tells you you so, cos it’s the only way to interact with the outside world, the surrounding environment. we don』t have alternative cognitive pathway to truly experience this world, so we buy into what we SENSE through our sensory organs… thus, we are forever slaves to our brain.

- higher intelligence is mostly possible, I don』t know whether it’s gonna be achieved by A.I. , just as the movie portrayed, or via other forms or approaches, but in my mind, I BELIEVE it’s possible, maybe in the next 50 years, or a little bit longer. although I never really think that machine can be truly intelligent, ( as it’s adequately put in 「Chinese Room」 thought experiment ), but I do think combining biology(neuro and genetics), electronics and nanotechnology, it can be done. the power is in the hands of higher intelligence, and when human being acts as the inferior species in this world, no doubt our survival can be compromised and our freedom can be limited. ( just as it’s portrayed in the movie)