世上最讚老爸--World's Greatest Dad


6.9 / 40,941人    99分鐘

導演: Bobcat Goldthwait
編劇: Bobcat Goldthwait
演員: 羅賓威廉斯 達洛薩巴拉 Morgan Murphy Naomi Glick


2009-08-27 22:13:59

All lies in the contrasts

Robin 威廉斯 has some perculiar qualities that make his acting both fascinating and haunting. The dark comedy is neither complex nor absolutely unpredictable, it's however well-constructed and slowly established into an intensifying story about a guy's confession of his own life's misery.

Good casting also helped make the movie a success, the unsophisticated faces with great personalities against the more beautiful faces with a loud but empty souls - all had contributed to the great contrasts that ampify the story.

*it was particularly comic for there was a lady sitting behind me snoring quite loud at the scene where everybody waited in silence for Robbie to give a hearty speech.