關鍵投票--Swing Vote [2008]


6.1 / 19,444人    120分鐘

導演: 喬舒亞麥可史坦
編劇: Jason Richman
演員: 凱文科斯納 瑪德琳卡羅 寶拉巴頓 凱西葛雷莫 丹尼斯霍柏


2009-09-12 07:46:05



andy(relaxed) you are a football fan, bud
budwell, I'm an American, aren't I I played a little in my high school.
andy Did you now what position
budI was a quarterback.
andy I always thought football was a strategic game. A lot like diplomacy. You got your offense, your defense. the president is like your quarterback and the american voters, well, they're like the coach.
budNever thought of it that way.
andy Now the coach's job is to make sure that the right man has the football at the critical time.
budI know exactly what you mean, andy.
andy(seriously) Do you
bud(hesitantly)Maybe not.
andy(by phone) Bring in the football, please.
andyBud, you wanna hold the football
budIs there a football in there
(The soldier give the black box to Bud.)
andyBud, you wanna hold the football
budIs there a football in there
andyThat case holds the launch codes to America's nuclear arsenal. (bud was shaken.) That is what this election is all about.
bud(slowly)Launch codes like...missiles and shit
andyI want you to pretend that America is a team and you are the coach.
bud(lettle anxiously)Okay.
andyNow, let's say it's the 4th quarter. We've got the possession, but we're down by five. North Korea has us pinned in our own fiftennth line with one second on the dooms day clock. What are you going to do (Bud felt more upset.) Okay, you go long. The only thing standing between victory and defeat is a successful hail mary. One play.Who are you gonna give the ball to, Bud(Bud wanted to make a break, but failed.)Do you pin your hopes on some liberal second string quarterback who hasn't had five minutes in the big show Of course you don't. (The president stood up, looked at Bud.)You do the smart thing. The only thing. you go with your strongest arm, the man who's carried yo through the season, who's never let you down.
bud(deeply touched)yes, sir!(the box almostly dropped down...)