滌罪天使--Gabriel [ 2007]


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導演: 雪恩艾比斯
編劇: 雪恩艾比斯
演員: 安迪惠特菲爾 薩曼莎諾貝爾


2009-10-08 22:35:38


       看完後的第一感覺就是為Gabriel心中永遠的光明和積極向上的信念所動容。當所有人都在逃避失敗,聽天由命的時候。他就像黑暗中的一道強光,溢滿溫暖的微笑和絕對正義的精神。我驚喜的發現He is totaly the hero in my dream.
       當然的,友情是第一主題,當Gabriel無論如何都要治癒幾位同伴時所表現出來的堅持與任性。他說I must cure you,then forgive me. 當他為Micheal滌罪之時的決絕,又或是當Micheal為他療傷時說的那句This is my gift。或許已經是兄弟情的極致了。
    Purgapory ,a place where the light is cursed and darkness blinds the soul,this is place where even angel fear to tread.

    即使Micheal將黑暗的世界留給他統治,他憤然的大喊This is what you want?最終選擇自我毀滅,將自由的選擇留給人類。
    Freedom,let Samael and Michael to be driven by desire.They do not kown hunman's free will. Their soul and heart are not free.Micheal feel the human's sensation is powerful, then he warned Gabriel not to be contorled .
       Free will is the subject matter maybe, when no one know the free will,just Gabriel trust it. He get it from the little girl's eyes.So he said human kown more than you.

