雨人--Rain Man


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導演: 巴瑞李文森
編劇: Barry Morrow 羅那貝斯
演員: 達斯汀霍夫曼 湯姆克魯斯 薇拉莉‧葛琳諾 Gerald R. Molen


2009-10-24 03:06:25

Well um just some thoughts,I havent actually watched it yet.

The other day the lecturer talked a little something about the movie .Dustin Hoffman, who played the role Raymond (AKA Rain Man) which is the brother of Charlie (Tom Cruise) in the movie. Raymond has been considered retarded, or rather dull. It’s all because that every time people talk to him, for example, like random things. He simply just expends his imagination automatically from the thing that you just mentioned. For example you ask him how his breakfast was. First of all of course he is going to think of the breakfast, and then instantly he thinks about that the bread he ate this morning was a bit dry, and then he wonders if it wasn』t that dry will it be possible for it to appear a little bit bigger? Maybe when the breads are bigger then it’s going to cost more? Both for the bakery and the customers? So there is going to be fewer customers for sure since the price has increased. As a result the bakery has to close the door, then probably when the owner gets home he’s going to have a huge fight because he’s certainly going to be acting annoying when his wife talk to him and ask him about things. Unfortunately they are going to divorce each other. The first thought just immediately followed by so many other thoughts that flush into his mind which makes him easily forgets about answering the question. The chain of thought could be very general or just hideous. I do not know how exactly coz I can never psychoanalyze people.

For this, people are going to think, is he retarded or something? Why doesn』t he say anything? Why are his eyes looking so stiff and stilted? He must be abnormal for acting this way.


Suddenly I had a feeling that this could be the exaggerated version of my own behaviors sometimes because I』ve got people asking whether the music that I listen to is way too loud that it has jeopardized my hearing. Coz sometimes when they talk to me I was acting like I try to ignore them on purpose.

No, I wasn』t!

I was just doing the same thing Raymond did in the movie. Or under some other potential circumstances, I was already in the middle of something, that I really didn』t want to be disturbed for any reason., which means I couldn』t even afford the time to tell you to wait for a second. Because that is going to cause me a huge lost. I don』t know why, but sometimes it’s just what I do. I cannot help it.

There is not just one weird thing about me. I wonder how that happened. Sometimes I whisper to myself about some random stuff. I feel kind of awkward when someone caught me doing that. But David told me that talking to oneself is the first sign of a genius. Well I』d better believe what he said coz this can make me feel better…I suppose…

There are so many things that I don』t understand about myself. It’s like I』m different from other people, or most people,which is more accurate.

Now I can only thank god that he didn』t make me 100% like Raymond the Rain Man.