星際爭霸戰--Star Trek


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導演: J.J.亞伯拉罕
編劇: 羅柏托奧契 艾力克斯寇茲曼康特
演員: 克里斯潘恩 艾瑞克巴納 柴克瑞恩杜 賽門佩吉


2009-10-27 20:06:23

The Maiden Voyage


看完以後就立馬毫不猶豫地給了五星。至於好在哪裡就不想多費口舌了,劇情緊湊、畫面華麗都做的很好,當然還有一個不得不說的原因:熟悉的人物、熟悉的制服、熟悉的飛船、熟悉的手勢和熟悉的言語都再次回到了螢幕上,那時的他們,還只是一群血氣方剛的青年,準備用U.S.S. Enterprise的處女航譜寫第一曲青春萌動、險象環生的華麗樂章。這足以讓每個"Star Trek"的死忠感慨萬千、內牛滿面了。


星際迷航(Star Trek)是項集合名,指的是自20世紀60年代以來全部設定在同一個虛構宇宙中的6代科幻電視系列劇(總共726集)、11部電影、591本小說、515本漫畫、122套遊戲以及其它眾多粉絲作品。

這部片子的劇情雖然緊湊入勝,但請允許我用Spock式的眼光挑一個小刺:Uhura與Spock之間如何產生了感情交代的有點兒不明不白。第一個跡象便是Uhura跟隨Spock進入升降梯,在安慰剛剛失去母親的Spock時開始吻他。原因可能有三個:第一、Uhura傾慕Spock已久;第二、Uhura與Spock之前有過交往,電影根本沒有交代;第三、Uhura起初只是想真心實意的安慰Spock,兩人卻不小心產生了感情。到底是因為什麼捏?God knows~

另外注意到一個有意思的細節:Uhura的roomie,就是那個在Uhura回來之前試圖與我們敬愛的Captain Kirk make love的綠皮膚捲髮的女性,飾演者竟然是Rachel Nichols,也就是"G.I. Joe"裡的紅髮女郎Scarlett。


Sarek (Spock’s father): Speak your mind, Spock.
Spock: That would be unwise.
Sarek: What is necessary is never unwise.
Spock: I am conflicted as I once was as a child.
Sarek: You will always be a child of two worlds. I am grateful for this, and for you.
Spock: I feel anger for the one who took Mother’s life, an anger I cannot control.
Sarek: I believe that she would say, "Do not try to." You asked me once why I married your mother. I married her because I loved her.

[Spock notices an elder Vulcan walking in the docking bay]
Young Spock: Father...
[the elder Vulcan turns and is revealed as Spock Prime]
Spock Prime: I am not our father.
[Young Spock, now recognizing who he is, approaches]
Spock Prime: There are so few Vulcans left. We cannot afford to ignore each other.
Young Spock: Then why did you send Kirk aboard, when you alone could have explained the truth?
Spock Prime: Because you needed each other. I could not deprive you of the revelation of all that you could accomplish together, of a friendship that will define you both in ways you cannot yet realize.
Young Spock: How did you persuade him to keep your secret?
Spock Prime: He inferred that universe-ending paradoxes would ensue should he break his promise...
Young Spock: You lied?
Spock Prime: Ah... I - I implied.
Young Spock: A gamble.
Spock Prime: An act of faith. One I hope that you』ll repeat in the future in Starfleet.
Young Spock: In the face of extinction, it is only logical that I resign my Starfleet commission and help rebuild our race...
Spock Prime: And yet, you can be in two places at once. I urge you to remain in Starfleet. I have already located a suitable planet on which to establish a Vulcan colony. Spock, in this case, do yourself a favor: Put aside logic. Do what feels right.
[Spock Prime turns and leaves]
Spock Prime: Since my customary farewell would appear oddly self-serving, I shall simply say...
[Shows Vulcan hand salute]
Spock Prime: Good luck.
