海盜電台--The Boat That Rocked


7.3 / 117,176人    135分鐘 | USA:117分鐘

導演: 理查寇蒂斯
編劇: 理查寇蒂斯
演員: 菲力普西蒙霍夫曼 比爾奈伊 潔瑪雅特頓 肯尼斯布萊納 艾瑪湯普遜


2009-10-27 20:16:39

This is a bit crazy

This is a bit crazy, I'd like to say.
I was walking between the reality and the ideal world.
A group of people who are a bit crazy, a bit beyond the real world.
I'm not sure if it's the style of British humor, but it's just quite fascinating.
They love their music, be passionate about what they like, they don't treat their work as a burden but it's part of their life, a treasure piece of their life. The boat was their home, without it, they had no where to go.
Will you still hold your CDs when you are drowning? Will you still insist broadcasting when the boat is sinking?
They never let the audience be disappointed.
I cried when they screaming the word Rock and Roll at the end.