經典老爺車--Gran Torino


8.1 / 823,028人    116分鐘

導演: 克林伊斯威特
編劇: 尼克史堅克
演員: 克林伊斯威特 克里斯多夫卡利 畢范 安妮赫爾 約翰卡羅林區


2009-11-07 06:57:19

A Great Respect for Clint Eastwood

A trivial American plot about different races in the society corner, along with a little humor, true love, suspense and a thoughtful idea, all constructed by the old gentleman with authorities』 forever respect for his contribution to movie field, Clint Eastwood.
  To take a step back to see how Kowalski (acted by Eastwood) interpreted the role that highlighted the film, I noted the relations between the old gentle and the young Thao and Sue. Sue is a lovely girl with a warm heart and very grateful as well which characteristics moved the old stubborn Kowalski to show some consideration to Sue’s brother Thao. Compared with Sue, Thao is much introversive, he is absolutely a poppet, dare not chase girls, and always negative to resist the harassment. However, after the reciprocation of his neighbors, Kowalski who used to be alone since his old couple passed and dissatisfied with his children, dissocial, only specially in favor of his Gran Torino, determined to take care of Thao.
  Here is a conflict happened in the film that as Kowalski was a fighter during the period of Korean War that sets up an opposite side to the Asian immigrates and the man who helped these immigrates out of trouble by the last moment of his lifetime. In fact, I believe that Kowalski is opposed to the war inner side (as he said that the feeling of killing was not that would like to experience) and I prefer that it’s the human nature as a man, a father or an old that makes Kowalski shoulder the responsibility to eradicate the evil. Also, it’s such a kind of distinguished way to accomplish his affection to Thao and his family. So, it is easy to guess that the old gentle’s favor Gran Torino is inherited to Thao at the end of film.
  Again this time Clint Eastwood won the audiences』 and fans』 rising applauses. A role that was confirmed a disease near to death and devoted himself to do something special at the last moment. A role that makes people sensitive and sentimental even it’s an ordinary plot. Last but not least, I should show my inherent bias in favor of this Eastwood gem and the old Clint Eastwood who has been a gem himself on the public screen.

Other films directed and acted by Eastwood:
「Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo」
「Per un pugno di dollari」
「The Bridges of Madison County」
「Million Dollar Baby」

this review delievered after the 5/10 was marked by some prelector~