加菲貓2--Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties


5 / 33,034人    78分鐘 | USA:86分鐘 (extended dvd edition)

導演: 提姆希爾
編劇: 吉姆戴維斯
演員: 比爾墨瑞 布萊金梅耶 珍妮佛樂芙休伊


2009-11-12 07:13:48

Name: Garfield’s A Tale of Two Kitties.

 Its name is much alike 「A Tale of Two Cities」 written by Charles Dickens while plot is more similar to Mark Twain’s 「The Prince and the Pauper」. It takes me plenty of time to wonder what this movie will show to us.
Director: Tim Hill. A director who is newly exposed under the light contributes us such a tremendous work. Garfield, a famous cosmic strip, overweight, cynical orange tabby (voice of Bill Murray). In this movie, Garfield's owner Jon Arbuckle (Breckin Meyer) is off to London to spark his lovely girlfriend Liz Wilson (Jennifer Love Hewitt) who will address a speech there. Garfield hide in his luggage, together with the dog Odie, to surprise his harried master. However, things become sticky when Garfield is mistaken believed to be one of the royal descent with its similar-looking cat for Prince (voice of Tim Curry), a regal cat who has just inherited a large estate with a castle. Sinister Lord Dargis (比利 Connolly), is intent on killing Prince, so that he can get the inherent and turn the castle into a luxury resort which can benefits him profuse money. However, with the help of other animals, he beats Dargis and at last protects the castle as well as the animals.
The animation has improved rapidly since the first movie and both of them (the animators and the special skill) show a terrific job. Garfield is animated, the other animals and the humans are real, and the movie do a convincing job of combining the two levels. To my surprise, the cartoon cat acts like a real animal except for his stabled eyes which I believe is the heaviest shortcoming of this movie. Garfield tells us the real meaning of friendship, cooperation, responsibility and love by his actions. The flick also indicates that if we work together, we will get the goal. Or in my own opinion, it does.
Speaking strictly, Garfield is a human in cat’s suit. Because of the tiny shortcoming he owns, he gains everyone’s heart. Or in other ways, his popularity lies in his foibles, which are precariously human in concept. We love him so much, because, he is us. We may find that in some fields, he is in common with us. 「I love morning, if it comes later.」 「Everyone should marry. After all, happiness is not the only thing in life.」 These wise quotes can easily make us laugh and then indulged in deep thought.