

2009-11-20 01:06:33

basic instinct

catherin is the murderer, and nick confirms it finally. they both know the truth but decide keeping secret forever, coz cath understands if she followed her instinct, everyone might probaly find the fact; and perhaps nick told everybody his final convinced suspicion, he may lost everything even go to jail. thereupon, they have no choice but live like rats, in the same time rioting in dissipated living. in fact, that's the deep basic instinct of human being what the article's respectable derector and scripter wanted to expose primarily.
        furthermore, the war between man and woman, also woman and woman. i don't know how many ingredients of feminism inside this movie, but i should say that cath is the big winner coz she beats nick at love and beth at sex, easily. she is so beautiful and intelligent that people entered the cinema like a tidal wave to enjoy her satanic figure.
however, beth, the poor girl, her love is nothing in the face upon the game. tragically, she died as a scapegoat and cath the pair lived and fucked in the name of love.