博物館驚魂夜--Night at the Museum


6.5 / 385,205人    108分鐘

導演: 薛恩李維
編劇: 湯瑪斯雷恩
演員: 史帝夫庫根 班史提勒 羅賓威廉斯 歐文威爾森


2009-12-04 03:47:25

Great kids movie

I think it's really annoying when I read reviews on here of a kids movie and someone tears it apart. Do these people expect to see Oscar award winning performances and production? As for this film, I thought it was really cute. It's perfect for a kid's imagination. I saw the movie at a pre-screening and every kid afterwards was smiling and excitedly talking about the movie. Sure there are some dumb jokes, etc., but overall the movie was great. It was especially cool to see Dick Van Dyke and Mickey Rooney working together.

Take your kid to see this movie. Their imagination will go wild and they might even be curious to go to a history museum afterwards.