巧克力情緣--Mary and Max


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導演: 亞當艾利特
編劇: 亞當艾利特
演員: 東妮克莉蒂 菲力普西蒙霍夫曼 艾瑞克巴納 Barry Humphries Bethany Whitmore


2009-12-07 07:52:57

瑪莉 and Max: 你是我生活中的一抹紅色

      看這部片子讓人覺得好溫馨, 原來我們都是孤獨的人, 原來我們都是這樣渴望友情, 兩個素未謀面的人, 成為了筆友, 通過幾十年的書信往來,溫暖了彼此的生活,真誠的力量是這麼可貴.
      影片最讓人感動的莫過於當瑪莉 收到Max寄來的打字機上的"M"後, 一蹶不振, 放棄了美好的前途, 當瑪莉 準備自殺時, 當電影裡唱出一首老歌"Que Sera Sera", 電影在此刻被推到了高潮.
       When I was just a little girl
  I asked my mother
  "What will I be?
  Will I be pretty?
  Will I be rich?"
  Here's what she said to me
  "Que sera, sera
  Whatever will be, will be
  The future's not ours to see
  Que sera, sera"

未來如何無法預見, "love your self first", 請先愛你自己, 一句真誠的"Sorry", 讓Max 原諒了瑪莉, 諒解是相互的,也是對自己的, 當瑪莉 終於來看Max, 她看到牆上都是她的信, 是讓人感動的.

       The reason i forgive you is because you are not perfect.
  You are imperfect,and so am i.
  All humans are imperfect,even the man outside my apartment who litters.
  When i was young,i wanted to be anybody but myself.
  Dr Bernard Hazelhof said if i was on a desert island then i would have to get used to my own company – just me and the coconuts.
  He said i would have to accept myself,my warts and all,and that we don』t get to choose our warts.
  They are a part of us and we have to live with them.
  We can,however,choose our friends and i glad i have chosen you.
  Dr Bernard Hazelhof also said the everyone’s lives and like a very long sidewalk.
  Some are well paved.
  Others,like mine,have cracks,banana skins and cigarette butts.
  Your sidewalk is like mine but probably not as many cracks.
  Hopefully,one day our sidewalks will meet and we can share a can of condensed milk.
  You are my best friend.
  You are my only friend.