史崔特先生的故事--The Straight Story


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導演: 大衛‧林區
編劇: John Roach (Ⅱ) Mary Sweeney
演員: Richard Farnsworth 西西史派克 Everett McGill John Farley


2009-12-07 16:00:42

The worst thing of being old...


Is to remember when you were young

Old american cowboy,wrincled eyes full of wisdom,white beard,bottles of beer,and of course the cowboy hat.

I don't know since when I became this wild adventure guy,but I know that when I'm old,I'm definitly gonna be one of those men,who cannot stand staying for comfortable bed and hot meals...even though I doute that I'd have my own mower trailer.

Road movies,always the best company for those who taste the air they are breathing in,loners...

when I first saw the old friends of Alvin,it remind of these three old fellows in Forrest Gump,It's nice to have someone to grow old with.

Yellow and green,colors for death and life.
