巧克力情緣--Mary and Max


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導演: 亞當艾利特
編劇: 亞當艾利特
演員: 東妮克莉蒂 菲力普西蒙霍夫曼 艾瑞克巴納 Barry Humphries Bethany Whitmore


2009-12-17 00:16:12

No Title

    Normally when I expected a movie to be great, I choose specific periods of time to spare and watch, such as a lazy afternoon alone at home with some yogurt could be found in the refrig., and for my favorite cartoons with happy endings, or new ones of familiar series, I always choose to enjoy them during meals, again and again. And, if the movies just seems to be ok, may be it could just catch my eyes accidently during several hours labeled "Yep, I may be free then ". Routine is a good staff, which helps me to decide what kind of things to be better during what kind of hours, which, most of the time, also means that I could at least maintain "ok ".
    But there are moments that I do want to call it bitch because this damn habit sometimes "help" me passing by really great movies without knowing it just because I gave them a improper label at first…such as .
    When I first met , he was watching by his own during the time I fed the turtles and had a bath. Then after more than an hour, I found him still sat there surprisingly keeping nearly the same gesture. Full of curiosity, I got closer and happened to catch the last few minutes of it.
    I saw 瑪莉 entering her pen pal's apartment then found him already dead that morning, and Max lying on his couch with peaceful and happy expression on his face, watching the whole ceiling of mails he received for all these years.
    Knowing nothing of the so-called all these years, I still can not help feeling sad, lonely, and of course yearning to set some hours for the movie as soon as possible, even if no perfect afternoon could ever be caught at that moment.
    May be a little bit different from the others, the most touching moment for me seems to be the que sera, sera part, for it always reminds me an old friend, who was one of my classmates in primary school. He is naughty just like all the other boys of our age, but much smarter, and I remember he's very good at football. We thought that he could be someone someday, maybe a football star for instance, though the paper work's not that great…but only the grown-ups care about that, right? Then many years passed, he became someone eventually, the first person among us who entered heaven if there is a heaven. It seems to be a warm spring night when he made up his mind I guess, or may be autumn? Winter? Frankly speaking I can barely remember, all I know that it was in 2006, the second year I hope to call myself a grown-up, he hang himself under his apartments' ceiling just as 瑪莉 in the movie wanted to do, but differently, he succeeded, may be because there is nobody to forgive and accept him to be what he was just as Max did for 瑪莉.
    When we were young, I mean, far away young, we hope that we can do something when grow up, have perfect relationship, wonderful family life, successful career, and achieve something. I used to like the word achieve, and I bet most of people do, as well as its derivation: achievement, for it gives us a great sense of being admitted and admired. Then as growing up, we find that life's complicated, and tough, and every clue tells us that instead of getting closer to our dream life, we seem to be more successful in running away from it. The obstacles on our road could be the fear of the outside world, but have never be given; or may be the ugly body shape we all trying to get rid of but failed every time because when we upset, we do need chocolate hotdog to calm down; may be it is only a funny shaped birthmark right on your head…or may be, u think the reason why you get further and further from your dream life is that you are not persistent or, should I say, lucky enough?
    Sometimes I am curious about the real meaning of life itself, literally, but sadly find that in fact the poorest thing is, the word life can barely possible be defined precisely. And the only comforting thing is that if there is something could be called consistence between so-called lives, is that we all meet periods of our life when we should encounter the hopelessness and even feel pity for ourselves no matter what the obstacles are, and then, if you give it a real consideration, you will find that the only thing matters and has the chance for us to be different from the others is how you survive, from the mood, the status, or anything you want to name it.
    Then the word- courage appears, which conquers all, and is the only thing you must set one set for yourself especially when all the others in the world refuse to give it a damn.
    The courage to overcome the fears to the outside world, the courage to join the real world no matter how puffy you are, the courage to choose a operation to remove your ugly birthmark and fall in love, even there is only failure follows…the courage to live on, to persuade yourself stopping trying to use death to solve problems. And the most important thing is, the courage to admit you are imperfect, you've got enough chances to make mistakes, which were or will be gone, and finally you will move on.
    They always say that life is hard, and it should be harder if you are not just talking…when I first saw the movie, only the last few minutes, he told me that the ending should be better if we could know more about how their lives changed because of each other after they finally open their doors to the world. But, even if I had watched it a few more times, although a little bit sad, I still like it to stop there, when Max's life ends and their life together begins.