海盜電台--The Boat That Rocked


7.3 / 117,176人    135分鐘 | USA:117分鐘

導演: 理查寇蒂斯
編劇: 理查寇蒂斯
演員: 菲力普西蒙霍夫曼 比爾奈伊 潔瑪雅特頓 肯尼斯布萊納 艾瑪湯普遜


2010-01-02 05:40:07

The first movie in my first day of new year

The summary of the whole great 60s: Twiggie, miniskirt, sex revolution, love & peace, freedom, 瑪莉 Quant, big shade and the sourse of the spirit :music. I just wanna say that I love that decade when my parents was born, I love that time when people were drown by the music. I love that movie because I wanna own that sort of time to become one part of my life. To love without fear and live without care.