名牌冤家--Did You Hear About the Morgans?


4.8 / 33,117人    USA:103分鐘

導演: 馬克羅倫斯
編劇: 馬克羅倫斯
演員: 休葛蘭 莎拉潔西卡帕克 Natalia Klimas Jesse Liebman 伊莉莎白摩斯


2010-01-02 18:00:06

Did You Hear About the Morgans?

SJP does her usual shoulder shrugging,tougue checks, "I'm a 紐約er!" even "Why her?" acting.But since it's not in SATC it is rather annoying than icon-ish. It feels like she and Grant are doing their one man shows instead of being a harmonious couple they spent the movie resolved to be.
It is not unbearable as one critic says "You wish you'd never heard about the Morgans" since all we want to do is see our girl and boy appear together in a rom-com. But sadly for fans,the truth is not too far away from the comment.