辣妹我愛你--I Love You, Beth Cooper


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導演: 克里斯哥倫布
編劇: 賴瑞道伊
演員: 海蒂潘妮迪亞 辛西雅史蒂文生 尚羅伯特


2010-01-03 02:57:58

Thank you for loving me

i want to write down some feelings
for the each step our shoes have taken

we went through lot while growing
we have loved and been loved
loved someone with the brightest eyes
we ever considered it as
been loved by some unexpected guys
or the guys we don't like at all

while we are young
we were convinced that we could overcome all the difficulties to love you
but sometimes we were easily demoralized by failures
and then, we began to no longer be easily believe the pure love,
a kind of love which is hard to exist between grow-ups

we have walked through it
the crappiest time, or perhaps the happiest time in our life
it was just too short

we cant go back any more
did all of us have done what we wanted to do with no regrets?
did all of us have said "i love you, beth cooper"?

while i look back on all the things i have experienced
i just wanna say
"Thank you for loving me"
to all the boys and girls loved and helped me before

Thank you, and i love you too