門當父不對--Meet the Parents


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導演: 傑洛奇
編劇: 葛瑞格利安納 Mary Ruth Clarke
演員: 勞勃狄尼洛 班史提勒 黛瑞波羅 布萊絲丹娜


2010-01-10 05:24:34

Marriage is never about 2 persons~

"2 love birds", quoted radomly somewhere popular, has fooled me that marriage is, all as well as just, about the 2 persons. However, in and after the movie, things don't quite work that way, practically.

Marriage is not about accepting the 1 person, but every person or even everything related to that 1 person. Even if that means a hell 100 in a row...i

Hmmm, what if, what if you are great with that 1 person, but just don't fit in that "whole circle"?
Will you give the possible ONE up over the inadequate uncomfort?
Or, does that mean he/she is not the ONE, if they are not the ONES?