巧克力情緣--Mary and Max


8.1 / 189,036人    92分鐘

導演: 亞當艾利特
編劇: 亞當艾利特
演員: 東妮克莉蒂 菲力普西蒙霍夫曼 艾瑞克巴納 Barry Humphries Bethany Whitmore


2010-01-12 07:27:15

Just see it !


   你是有缺點的 我也是如此
   即便是我公寓門口 那個亂丟垃圾的男人
   我小的時候 想做除我之外的任何人
   伯納德 哈澤哈弗醫生說
   只有我自己 和椰子
   他說我必須接受我自己 包括缺點
   我們沒法選擇自己的缺點 它們是我們的一部份
   而我很高興 我選擇了你
   伯納德 哈澤哈弗醫生說
   有些鋪墊得很完美 有些 像我的
   有垃圾 香蕉皮和菸頭
   你的小道和我的一樣 不過應該沒有那麼多垃圾
   真希望 有朝一日我們的小道會相交
   你是我最好的朋友 你是我唯一的朋友
   When I received your book, the emotions inside my brain felt like they were in a tumble dryer, smashing into each other. The hurt felt like when I accidentally stapled my lips together. The reason I forgive you is because you are not perfect. You are imperfect and so am I. All humans are imperfect, even the men outside my apartment who litters. When I was young, I wanted to be anybody but myself. Dr. Bernard Hazelhof said if I was on a desert island then I would have to get used to my own company, just me and the coconuts. He said I would have to accept myself, my warts and all, and that we don't get to choose our warts. They are a part of us and we have to live with them. We can, however, choose our friends and I am glad I have chosen you.
  Dr. Bernard Hazelhof also said that everyone's lives are like a very long sidewalk. Some are well paved. Others, like mine, have cracks, banana skins and cigarette butts. Your sidewalk is like mine but probably not as many cracks. Hopefully, one day, our sidewalk will meet and we can share a can of condensed milk. You are my best friends. You are my only friend.
