名媛教育--An Education


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導演: 瓏雪兒菲格
編劇: 尼克宏比
演員: 凱莉墨里根 艾爾菲摩里納 彼得賽斯嘉 多明尼克庫柏 羅莎蒙派克


2010-01-13 23:54:04

Life without assumption

You could never understand the precious of what you own until you lose it.
If Jenny has never met David, she would never understand why her father is so eager to send her to Oxford.
If Jenny's father has not paid so much attention to send her daughter to Oxford and aviod her feeling of fear, Jenny may never try to find the shortcut in her life.
If Jenny has not been educated to be so elegant to evaluate music and art.
If Jenny has never put herself on the edge of losing almost her whole life, she may make a larger mistake later.
Life allows no assumption.
Jenny is lucky. She got what she want. Her parents' expectation became something tha she real cares about.
Jenny is lucky. Used to lose something, she could answer the question that neither her Latin teacher and her principal could not answer.
Stop complaining your pool condition and bored life, you are the only person that could change your own life. Never fear to lose. To failure means to grow.