愛情需要翻譯--Paper Heart


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導演: Nicholas Jasenovec
編劇: Nicholas Jasenovec
演員: Charlyne Yi 麥可塞拉 賈克強森 馬汀史達 塞斯羅根


2010-01-14 04:13:27

I am taking that risk

i couldn't let them stop me
Since I have come so far
Life is too short to be wondering what if
Sometimes you just gotta live and see what happens
Even if you get hurt
Sometimes you can only feel something if you take a risk

LOVE is the risk everybody was/is/will be taking on some stage of your life. Dare or not dare, it's your call. No body would like to admit yourself as a coward in front of love. Love should be a beautiful thing like the fresh smell after a down pouring. It is a given, of course. Even though, it is still a risk you are taking every time you are in love. No matter how wonderful it has been, you never know what's gonna come next. That's what make people scared and get cold feet. However, as quoted at the very beginning, if you never take that step, you will never find love. That is the movie really about from my perspective.

P.S. 本來只想把最上面一句話放在短評里,誰知短評果然很『短』,leave me with no choice, 只能寫篇不是影評的『影評』了。

P.S.2: especially for JIAJIA who has bravely taken that risk after so many struggles. Bravo! I am really, really hoping everything is going fine.   舉報