

2010-01-17 21:59:19

seize the day

  Everyone has their own student days and their own moment of glory.Who will give us the passion of youth, or even who will lead us start a brilliant starting point?
   The candles at the beginning of the movie proves Robin 威廉斯's Action: The burning of himself have messaged the students to the essence of life. Be comfronted with the teacher, he brought a bit of courtesy, but in front of students, he was so close to reality. All are just because the truth.
   Although there are numbers of students in the film, but they always become distinctive and impressive. Some weak, some naughty and some rebellion - these are young faces. For adults, a high school with long historys may treated as child's paradise. But for children, they secretly called it hell.
   Adults want to duplicate their child to adapt to this harsh society,but what about our passion? Who will pay for our youth? If the youth is only what we called a good performance, it is not consistent with age. Only passion, treason, personality, and assiduous turn their lives into life, furthermore, the campus into its campus!
   Two kinds of people exist in the world--a man so that the community to create its own, a people to build their own society. Keating advocates the latter approach. He broke all of the teaching mode, CarpeDiem "present pleasures." thats, the best thing to do is to seize the self. He has been carrying out the reasons in his students. When a student asked him what Dead Poets Society is.he passed his youthful experiences to his students frankly, he was not young any more. The truth can be a heritage. The place which students unearth is not a cave, but a spiritual home. A cave may be poor, but their heart is indeed warm and rich, better than the damp cave. In fact, this is the predecessor of the club.
    To make a choice is the hardest in one`s life. Everyone has experienced Neil's situation. When our own ideals and reality collide ruthlessly, compromising to the reality , or free our hope? Neil's death is the highest form of chasing dreams. Well, I dare not judge whether it right or wrong, however, I know that the captain told us: do life's master, rather than the life's slaves. In order to integrate into the society that we must lose some romantic, but we still wonder that something is able to linger in my heart of hearts. Yes, there is always a gap between reality and ideals. But how? Medicine, law, business, engineering are prerequisites for a living. But the poetry, love and romance become the reasons for our existence.
   The pace of modern life let us have to look at why we are alive? Why do we have been busy that do not match our age? Adult's world is so complex that for us, the traditional mode of school education is the best protection , but it has been lack humanistic color. No one taught us the quintessence of life. Traditio, only tradition! We do not exist for tradition, but for the innovation and the revolution's sake.
   What is Life? In the movie, life is poetry, life is notes, life is drama, life is a gorgeous chapter in a great performance.
   Gather your rosebuds while you may
   It was Keating that Neil would demonstrate his talent of show performances, Knox finally woo the apple of his eyes, Charlie was fully liberalized himself,and timid Todd got back her courage. We are the dramatis personae, so we should also open our mind.
   He was their inspiration. He made their lives extraordinary.