經典老爺車--Gran Torino


8.1 / 823,028人    116分鐘

導演: 克林伊斯威特
編劇: 尼克史堅克
演員: 克林伊斯威特 克里斯多夫卡利 畢范 安妮赫爾 約翰卡羅林區


2010-01-19 09:40:03

Kill a man

-How many?
-How many what?

-How many men did you kill in Korea?
-Thirteen, maybe more.

-What was it like to kill a man?
-You don't wanna know.

-You wanna know what it's like to kill a man?
 Well, it's goddamn awful, that's what it is!
 The only thing worse is getting a medal... for killing some poor kid that just wanted to give up,
 that's all.
 Not a day goes by that I don't think about it, and you don't want that on your soul.
 Now, I got blood on my hands.

 I'm soiled.