

2010-01-28 18:08:40

A walk in the clouds

A walk in the clouds, what a romantic title and naturally, I was driven to watch it. It has been a very long time since the last film that could arouse my true interest and drive me to write something.

I was nicknamed Grape in my high school which only enhanced my love towards vineyard and the grape. I am inclined to associate vineyard with romance and sweetness. Therefore, I have always been dreaming to go to Provence for a personal experience of picking grapes with the one or the ones I cherish. Right in this film, I experience the vineyard with the leading actor: the bird-view of the vineyard in the cloud, the vineyard in the dark while bright night, the happy harvest of the grape and the strong aromatic wine.

People usually say that life is not a film and they』ve got a point there. However, we can choose to lead a life of a film. The romance in this film is dramatic: how can the man (a soldier) writing letters to his wife for consecutive five years without knowing her wife not reading his letters? And it is just a slim slim chance for a perfect man to chance upon a perfect woman. The man is so kind-hearted and lofty in that he can accept a woman in the family way. The woman is so good that she does not choose to keep the perfect young man beside him when she has a fat chance to.

I really appreciate the leading actor. He is such a charming guy, not only in his appearance, but also in his way of handling matters. He does not freak out knowing his wife having not covered his letters. He does not go wild sensing what his wife cares is money not him. He falls in love with Victoria (the leading actress) but contains his true feelings knowing clearly that he is a married man and has responsibility to assume. He admits his appreciation and affection for Victoria, and constrain himself to keep a distance. I should say in current times, many choose to face their heart, leaving their spouse and family. As far as I am concerned, this kind of act is an irresponsible one which would bring tremendous harm to the whole family. When you are on the edge of going off track, just thinking of the responsibility and social ethics, thinking that your decision would result in a broken family and a life-time pain, you would go back to your family track.

The background music is pleasant. The scene is appealing. The plot is warming. The characters are true. Once again, pondering upon the film, I should say quite a few times we brush by our perfect someone without pouring out our true feelings. And love is so great that just express it out can make you feel really good. Happiness is simple.   舉報