羅馬不思議--When in Rome


5.5 / 64,604人    91分鐘

導演: 馬克史帝芬強森
編劇: 大衛戴蒙
演員: 克莉絲汀貝爾 Alexis Dziena 喬許杜哈明 威爾阿奈特 丹尼狄維托


2010-01-30 21:56:18

Leap Year is better than this one~~~

Since i saw the trailer a month ago ,I can't wait to watching this movie.Today i finally saw this movie. I am so disappointed...maybe i expected too much of it. However my friend just told me that she loves it and enjoy it very much!!!!!! and argued with me. She said this one is much more better than the Leap Year!!!!! But i totally disagreed her opinion! Ireland landscape + smooth plot =totally touch me
Roma view is good but in the movie only was shown few minutes , not romantic enough! Overall is not bad , but is not the best chick-flick recently!