口白人生--Stranger than Fiction


7.5 / 237,036人    113分鐘

導演: 馬克佛斯特
演員: 威爾法洛 瑪姬葛倫霍 艾瑪湯普遜 昆琳拉提法 達斯汀霍夫曼


2010-02-01 07:23:32

thoughts along with the movie

@stranger than fiction
solid life style , use watch to time everything , doing things alone with only watch ,
the difference between city and country is the watch
there are already lots of people did the same rountie everyday , why not I do it a litttle bit different
parts times routine and other time totally random, like weekends
if you knew you gonna die, what will you do ---your dream ,desire
be cool when you need , do not always try to be modest which will trap your internal self

no longer eat alone , count brush , steps
enjoy movie, do some stuff by random , bake
play a favorite song with the guitar
i want you , let the girl you like know it
life is short , live the way you feel good for youself especially when we are young