食品帝國--Food, Inc.


7.8 / 52,492人    USA:94分鐘 | Argentina:94分鐘 (Mar del Plata Film Festival)



2010-02-08 07:34:32

黑幕而有希望black curtain&silver lining——《食品公司FOOD INC》

《Food Inc》絕對是目前看到過最好的一個documentary。每個被訪者的形象都很豐滿,即使沒有固定的主角配角,這也就脫離了紀錄片像新聞報導的一個問題。一些表現手法的應用也是很新穎,把話題講得更有趣味和易於理解。
影片揭露了問題,反映了食品工業寡頭的黑幕。但也是指出了我們的希望——create demand。



I'm always struck by how successful we have been at hitting the bull's eye of the wrong target. I mean we have learned for example, in cattle we have learned how to how to plant, fertilize and harvest corn, using global positioning satellite technology, and nobody sits back and asks, 「But should we be feeding cows corn?」

We've become a culture of technicians. We're all into the how of it and nobody's stepping back and saying "but why".

I mean a culture that just views a pig as a pile of protoplasmic inanimate structure to be manipulated by whatever creative design that humans can foist on that critter will probably view individuals within its community and other cultures in the community of nations with the same type of disdain, disrespect and controlling-type mentality.


The way the system appeared to work to me was Lady Justice had the scales and you piled cash on the scales and the one that piled the most cash on the scales hired the most experts and was most willing to tell the biggest lies was the winner. That seems to be how our justice system functions now.


Try to get out of this thing with your skin intact.


evil veil


And we'll deliver. I promise you.
We』re very ingenious people. We'll deliver.
That's all I had to say.


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