名媛教育--An Education


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導演: 瓏雪兒菲格
編劇: 尼克宏比
演員: 凱莉墨里根 艾爾菲摩里納 彼得賽斯嘉 多明尼克庫柏 羅莎蒙派克


2010-02-09 05:25:31

so what's the point???????????????

這部電影讓我重新審視讀書的意義。一直以來,我都相信著「書中自有黃金屋,書中自有顏如玉」,毫不動搖的保持我「好好學習,天天向上」的乖孩子形象。然後,看到Jenny一臉不屑地看著老師說「studying is hard and boring,teaching is hard and boring,so u r here telling me that it's to be bored and bored and finally bored,…this whole stupid country is bored,there's no life here or color or fun…my choice is to do sth hard and boring or to marry my Jew,and go to Paris and Rome,and listen to Jazz,then read,and eat good food in nice restaurants and have fun.it's not enough an education any more,…u got to tell us why u were doing it」
"it doesn't have to be teaching,u know.it can be service"
"but it's the argument u may be asked again.who'll know,someone may want to know the point of it one day."
在回去時,在她跟校長的談話中,她說"i know,i was stupid.the life i want,there's no shortcut"
那麼,請問什麼是人生的意義呢,享樂、聽音樂,看小說,去高檔餐廳……"studying is hard and boring""u r clever and pretty,and u are reading essays,…maybe all of us will end up essays and housework.and yes, maybe we'll go to Oxford,but before we die in the graduation,isn't the life before the graduation that counts?"
Jenny的爸爸看到david有錢有勢,在Jenny忐忑不安的告訴他們david求婚的事時,她的爸爸很爽快的答應了。"what about Oxford?""well,look in another way,u wouldn't need to go now,would u?""all those latins,all those essays,so what's the point?why don't u just let me go to nightclubs,there would be less trouble,and i will get more fun""but if u r sick,he may not want u"
這部電影讓我對我現在的生活充滿疑惑,我努力地想要從這部電影中尋找答案,但是,沒有回應。無論是校長,還是Jenny的父母,或者david,又或者是「迷途知返」的jenny,我都沒找到答案。在電影的最後,jenny來到女老師家尋求幫助,看著一屋子的書、藝術品,jenny驚嘆,"so that's what u want?"然後看到女老師臉上淡淡的微笑。我似乎看到一點點答案,但是仍然困惑。之後鏡頭就轉到jenny認真復習,備考。一直到最後,電影裡都沒再涉及到我的困惑,它把這些關於教育的意義,關於人生的意義丟給了我,卻沒有回答。