情人節快樂--Valentine's Day


5.7 / 125,709人    125分鐘

導演: 蓋瑞馬歇爾
編劇: 凱瑟琳傅格特
演員: 泰勒洛特 布萊德利庫柏 艾希頓庫奇 安海瑟薇 潔西卡貝兒


2010-02-13 17:47:40

Review from 華盛頓 Post

"A key part of that strategic effort is the massive ensemble cast, which includes two Oscar nominees (Anne Hathaway and Queen Latifah), four Oscar winners (Shirley MacLaine, Jamie Foxx, Kathy Bates and 茱莉亞 Roberts), the niece of an Oscar winner (Emma Roberts), two guys from "That '70s Show" (Topher Grace and Ashton Kutcher), two former "Alias" stars (Jennifer Garner and Bradley 古柏), McSteamy and McDreamy from "Grey's Anatomy" (艾瑞克 Dane and Patrick Dempsey), a pair of tween sensations named 泰勒 (Lautner and Swift) and a couple of 傑西卡s (Biel and Alba). Oh, and George Lopez. And Hector Elizondo. And, in a brief cameo, the kitchen sink."

Nice Roundup. lol