他不笨,他是我爸爸--I am Sam


7.6 / 155,794人    132分鐘

導演: 潔西尼爾森
編劇: 克莉絲汀強森 潔西尼爾森
演員: 西恩潘 蜜雪兒菲佛 蘿拉鄧 達科塔芬妮


2010-02-14 21:49:34


「Lucy in the sky with diamonds.」When I first heard this sentence, I had the feeling that it must be a poemtry and romantic movie. Instead, I left in tears after the class, not for the dialogues, but for the true power of love.
What makes a good father?Decent job, luxurious car, beautiful house or clever mind? Neither! It is love itself that makes father 「father」.
                     ASK FOR HELP
Sam is low in IQ, but firm in decision. He always said: 「That’s a good choice 「. He kept visiting Rita, kept asking his neighbour for help, kept seleting the right colour… There is no 『IMPOSSIBLE」 in his dictionary. As long as he is alive , he can ask for help, so can we!
                     We are friends
What are the true friends? I can never forget the scene when friends of Sam gave out their money to buy Lucy a pair of shoes. 「I will give you 2, because I have 3, and I will spend 1 to take a bus, ok?」 this is the word from a friend, and , have you ever run into a friend who is willing to give2\3 of their possession to you ?
                     Pure love makes sense
「I am lucky to have a father like you.」 Yes, a father who reads a story to you everyday despite it is the same one, a father who can spare enough time to play with you, a father who never say:I am too busy to accompany you……
Sometimes , education does not necessarily mean knowledge ,but also how to see the world, how to face the challenges in life. And I guess, Lucy has already learnt this.

The first thing I do after watching the film is to phone my father, and telling I miss him. I know clearly that the only person who values me as diamonds in the sky forever is my father! I am lucky to have his love,to have a father!