為巴比祈禱--Prayers For Bobby


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導演: 羅素莫卡席
編劇: 凱蒂福特 李瑞艾倫斯
演員: 雪歌妮薇佛 亨利茲尼 萊恩凱利 Dan Butler


2010-02-19 21:44:57

Love me ,love who I am——《天祐鮑比》

I know this movie is based on a real story, and because of it, my heart feel more hurt. How I wish it is just created by someone,nothing is real.No one died,no mum sad and regret in the rest of her life.
But it is only my head-in-the-sand thinking. the real world can be much more tough.
Who I am? I am what I am. If you love me,love who I am in nature.
Why people always blame the minority in the name of God, if they really trust in God, they can not ignore his goodness and forbearance . He would not let the gay and lesbian people driven into a corner. They just have different sexual orientation. this is not a crime!