情同姊妹--Bernard and Doris


6.5 / 4,549人    103分鐘

導演: 鮑勃巴拉班
編劇: Hugh Costello
演員: 蘇珊莎蘭登 雷夫范恩斯 Peter Asher Don Harvey (Ⅰ) Chris Bauer


2010-02-24 05:44:21

I Love the Way You Breaking My Heart...


Peggy Lee

I love the way you're breaking my heart

It's terribly, terribly, terribly, terribly thrilling

I love the way you're breaking my heart

Although you're gonna ruin it

It's heaven while you're doin' it

I love the way I feel when we kiss

You're terribly, terribly, terribly irresistible

Sigh to me, and lie to me, you really know how

It's gonna hurt tomorrow, but it feels so good now

So darling, just keep playing your part

Take your time and really finish the things that you start

'Cause I love the way you're breaking my heart!