歸鄉 [俄]--The Return [2003]


7.9 / 47,781人    105分鐘  | Turkey:99分鐘 (TV version)

導演: 安德烈薩金塞夫
演員: 弗拉迪米爾加林 伊凡 杜布朗拉沃夫 康斯坦汀 拉朗尼柯 娜塔莉亞 維杜維娜


2010-02-24 16:14:18

I really don't like this film!!!!!!!!!

The Return is the first film that made me fall a sleep during film screening. It is really hard to get me slept when film is not finished, because there are always something keep me in the film, and make me want to know what’s going to happen next. But, strange enough, I felt the return was dead boring to me.

I analyzed why, it is probably I cannot find any sympathy within the film. I don』t really have the knowledge about father’s love. My parents divorced long time ago, and my mother brought my up. I haven』t lived with my father for long term, and I don』t expect to, neither does him. So I don』t really have any knowledge on this theme. The whole story for me is like talking about nonsense. Hadn』t seen each other for 10 years or more, how can people still have love between each other. I don』t really believe there’s love naturally in the blood, it is more of a duty rather than sentimental feeling.

And the pictures are quite dull as well, fixed shots, cold colour heavily used. Dialogues are quite tedious as well. I really cannot get any benefit from this movie.