在世界轉角遇見愛--The World Is Big and Salvation Lurks aro


7.9 / 6,118人    Bulgaria:105分鐘 | Argentina:105分鐘 (Mar del Plata Film Festival)

導演: 史帝芬柯曼達瑞夫
編劇: Yurii Dachev
演員: 米基馬諾洛維克 卡羅柳別克 希斯杜穆塔弗奇耶夫 安娜帕帕朵普露 Lyudmila Cheshmedzhieva


2010-03-07 19:29:35

Let’s go on a trip

A trip by bike always seems poetical and romantic to young man with a heart to view the world outside. viewing the sight you can not see in the city, experiencing different people and different things, maybe one beautiful girl who will be your lover. Yes , it is indeed a poem you can made by yourself despite all the difficults you may encounter like the rain , hunger ,cold and so on. Young man with an expedition heart always expect a trip to a unfamiliar place to experience and grow up. Sometimes only after the trip can they have the energy to the next trip of their life.

Different trip may has different meaning to different people. Young Alexander’s trip with his grandfather means a lot to him. This is a trip to his memory which is lost in an accident. He lost his memory after the accident, he can not recognize his parents and his grandfather, even he did not know his name. That’s why his grandfather take him to the trip to home. As we can see in the film, he is not only find his memory on the trip , but also find his love and the new life.