薇若妮卡想不開--Veronika Decides to Die


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導演: Emily Young
編劇: Paulo Coelho Larry Gross Roberta Hanley
演員: 莎拉蜜雪兒吉蘭 喬納森塔克 艾瑞卡克莉絲唐


2010-03-10 05:48:15



"Reality is what the Majority deem it to be.Not necessarily the best,
or the most logical...but the one that has become adopted to the
desirers of society as a whole.『Some things are governed by common sense,and others become fixed...until more and more people believe that's the way it should be.』」

    當V和男友在街頭對著簡單的玉米卷狼吞虎嚥的時候,他問V,「how you feel?」同樣的,為什麼我們不問問自己真實的內心感受?也許是慾望帶來的不安,又或者其他,讓我們連自己都逃避了。而那些所謂的慾望,真的是我們內心的純真渴望,或者是與環境妥協抗衡下畸形的自衛產物?

    現在看來,像V在影片開頭所描述的「無謂」生活也是某種大愛無言吧,當然,這需要付出更多的寬容和仁慈——"Eveyrone has dreams,but only a few realises them,makes cowards of the rest of us.""Even if they feel their right?""Particularly then.""If everyone would relise their dreams,this place would be empty."從某種層面上來說,每個人都是生活的膽小鬼和挫敗者,相互憐憫與寬容,這便是所謂愛的救贖。所以聖經說,Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; Does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; Does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; Bears all things, believe that things, hopes all things, endures all things.Love never fails.

    「Well,I consider that a simple matter of fact,only a truly crazy person would call it reassuring,or optimistic.」什麼是真愛?什麼是真理?也許關於生活,我們都錯了。答案僅僅只是——把每一天都當做生命裡的最後一天來過,即使你已經看到真相。