K歌情人--Music and Lyrics


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導演: 馬克羅倫斯
編劇: 馬克羅倫斯
演員: 休葛蘭 史考特波特 坎貝爾史考特 布萊德嘉瑞特 茱兒芭莉摩 海莉班奈特

St. Satan

2010-03-16 23:56:48

Don't Write Me Off

"Way Back Into Love" 固然是全劇的主題,可是這首"Don't Write Me Off"讓我潸然淚下……

It's never been easy for me
to find words that go along with a melody.
But this time, there's actually somthing on my mind.
So please forgive these few brief awkward lines.

Since I met you my whole life has changed.
It's not just the furniture you re-arranged.
I was living in the past,
but somehow you brought me back,
and I havn't felt like this since before Frankie said "relax".

And now I know based on my track record,
I might not seem like the safest bet.
All I'm asking you is
Don't write me off just yet.

For years I've been telling myself the same old story,
that I'm happy to live off my so called formor glorys.
But you've given me a reason
to take another chance.
Now I need you inspite the fact
that you've killed all my plants.
And now I know
that I've already blown more chances
then anyone should ever get.

All I'm asking you is
Don't write me off just yet.
Don't write me off just yet.