超異能部隊--The Men Who Stare at Goats


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導演: 葛蘭海斯洛夫
編劇: 彼得史卓翰 Jon Ronson
演員: 喬治克隆尼 伊旺麥奎格 傑夫布里吉 凱文史貝西


2010-03-21 07:01:38

Be all you can be!

本想看看凱文斯佩西的,卻意外發現今年影帝+候選人。中東片最近行情很旺,老美又整出個Jedi warrior/超異能戰士來先抓後解放山羊們。。這個才是真正黑色幽默,比無恥混蛋+拆彈部隊都棒,超搞,笑了好幾次。。極豐富想像力基礎上的批判現實,心目中美片的最高檔。

- It seems the story was a french hoax. But the Russians think the story about the story being a French hoax is just a story, sir.
- So,they've started psi-research because they thought we were doing psi research, when in fact we weren't doing psi-research?
- Yes,sir. But now that they're doing psi-research, we're gonna have to do psi-research, sir. We can't afford to have the Russians leading the field in the paranormal.