名媛教育--An Education


7.2 / 138,794人    100分鐘

導演: 瓏雪兒菲格
編劇: 尼克宏比
演員: 凱莉墨里根 艾爾菲摩里納 彼得賽斯嘉 多明尼克庫柏 羅莎蒙派克


2010-03-28 05:17:00

young love suffers more for less


personally i love this film.i always fall for this kind of configuration of story. the younger one accidently starts to pour love to the way older one.maybe not way older.what i mean is that i prefer that kind of love with a deep gap between the two lovebirds.

in this movie we can see jenny is a talented and hard-working student in her school.her teacher adores her and holds a very high expectation for her hoping and confirming she will go to oxford to have her college education.besides reading bunches of books,jenny still spends her time playing cello which i always consider as a sad musical instrument.also the cello is a key in this movie when david first meeting with jenny is after her practicing the cello in a chapel carring the big cello in the rain and standing next to the station.

now here is my first question.
does he love her at first sight?does she too?
when i was watching this film,i kept thinking what charms david from jenny. is it her young age , her beauty,or just a feeling of being young and coltish again?

he took her to the upper class,to be more specific,the way feeling like in upper class.david ,unlike her boymates in the school,can offer her financial security.he takes her to the decent restaurant and music theater.he opens a door of fany dreams in front of her and says:" it is happening now my velvet."

of course jenny buy them all.when finally he meets his promise to go to paris with jenny,jenn is dazzling . no we cant deny the fact that david is way too much more sophisticated than jenny.i even doubt what he have signed for in the first place.is it just a love affair,one of the imaginative flings?who knows! david chooses to leave in the end.i think it is quite a good anwser,isnt'it?

in this movie,we cant blame jenny for her naive character.this young lady has many more good personalities than that.but then,who isn't stupid at the age of 17?who would deny a promise that says waiting for you forever?even we all know now that is too vulnerable given any conditions. but we never get tired of it,do we?