

7.1 / 30,875人    85分鐘

導演: 法蘭西斯韋伯
編劇: 法蘭西斯韋伯
演員: 傑哈德巴狄厄 尚雷諾


2010-03-31 22:10:42

funny french movie


A talented killer and a low IQ man become best parterres. They met in the prison, the killer kept quiet and didn』t say any words. He was arranged with the low IQ man who was talkative but sincere in the same prison, and became his only listener. After they broke the prison, the low IQ helped him a lot and they finally killed the prey. It’s a comedy, no matter the actors but also stupid policemen are so funny elements in this movie. In this entire movie told me something, that friendship is precious when you are in trouble and be helpful to others.