"House M.D."


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2010-04-08 06:31:20


3.WORD 07計字數2924。從沒寫過這麼長的評論。。

在看HOUSE M.D之前,我以為HOUSE就像lie to me 裡面的Lightman一樣,精通領域裡的一切,不管是什麼問題最終都會得到解決。沒有犧牲,沒有失敗,一切的事實證明他都是對的。而他不羈,刻薄,不拘小節甚至有點誇張的舉動更是讓人物的魅力加分。然而,我想錯了,HOUSE的確是THE TOP ONE,但是醫學不同於研究人的表情,還有太多太多人們不能解釋解決的問題,在疑難雜症面前,若要判斷是什麼病,必須在兩種或以上的治療方案中進行抉擇,而這,往往決定一個人的生死。
第9集裡那個MUSICIAN和HOUSE說的一番話,應該是第一次對DR. HOUSE這個人物性格以及個人生活的具體刻畫:
HOUSE:」 …OK, life sucks. Your life sucks more than most. It’s not as bad as some which is depressing all by itself. And do me a favor, just let me find out what’s wrong with you. and if you still want to kill yourself, I』ll give you a hand. This sounds fair?」
MUSICIAN:」 yeah. Sure. I』ll stick around to indulge your obsession. It’s over. I lost my air. The session, the other night, with those kids. That was a test, to see if I could still play. I can』t…」
HOUSE:」 and that’s all you are? A musician?」
MUSICIAN:」 I got one thing, same with you.」
HOUSE:」 really?... apparently you know me about more than I know you.」
MUSICIAN:」 I know that limp. I know that empty ring finger, and that obsessive nature of you. That’s a big secret. You don』t risk jail and your career just to save somebody doesn』t want to be saved unless you got something, anything, one thing. The reason normal people got wives, kids, hobbies, whatever. That’s because they don』t get that one thing, that hits them that hard and that true. I got music, you got this. The thing you think about all the time, the thing keeps you south of normal(?), yeah makes us great, makes us the best. All we miss out on is everything else. No woman waiting at home after work with the drink and kiss, and that ain』t gonna happen for us…when it’s over, it’s over.」

這個劇的矛盾比lie to me 激烈得多,看的時候讓人繃著一根弦。HOUSE承受著常人難以想像的痛苦,他瘸著一條腿,對止痛藥上癮,當他一個人的時候,真的感覺到這個人物的孤獨。沒有人相信他的論斷,他只能自己完成他的證明。控制著自己顫抖的右手。痛到自殘。於是甘願上癮,因為藥讓他能夠工作,帶走他的痛苦。就像上面說的,他偏執。他甚至覺得自己不需要朋友,疏遠人群。Wilson說他變了,不願面對自己。HOUSE不承認。

自從黑人董事長上任之後,矛盾又上了一個層次,Vogler故意找HOUSE的茬,拿HOUSE的徒弟們做威脅,逼迫HOUSE作出妥協,自那以後,HOUSE感覺變了,變得有人情味了(?)just not so that HOUSE。還有和Cameron的關係,Cameron是第一個直率的表達對HOUSE的愛的。而HOUSE似乎也有那麼一點感覺,我不確定,似乎只是好奇。Cameron為什麼會喜歡自己?
17集另一衝突點是感情,HOUSE和Chase的不愉快擺在了兩個人的面前,Chase似乎變得有點自私,而4man似乎開始變得通情達理,沒有想之前和HOUSE叫板了。而Cameron最後造訪HOUSE的家,說的一番話,真是HOUSE需要處理的關於人際交往的又一難題。YOU SEE, 在家裡彈琴被敲門聲打斷的不快,通過貓眼看到門外是Cameron後幾秒的停頓,以及Cameron要離開是沒有去握她伸出來的手。HOUSE不知道該怎麼處理Cameron對自己的情感。

Cameron:「you don』t need to worry about firing anyone, I』m leaving。」
HOUSE:「why?it is another noble, self-sacrificing gesture? You try to protect 4man?」
HOUSE:「so it’s just 『don』t fire me, I quit』」
Cameron:「I』m protecting myself. You asked me why I like you, you are abrasive and rude. But I figured everything you do, you do it to help people. But I was wrong. You do it because it’s right.」
Cameron 伸出了手,HOUSE沒有伸手去握,有時候不知道該做什麼的時候,什麼都不做什麼都不說是最好的選擇。
Cameron:「there are only two ways I can deal with things. One is in my control, that’s to leave. GOODBYE HOUSE.」
(I really like the BGM. )

而Cameron,和HOUSE date(= =怎麼看怎麼詭異,彆扭)的時候HOUSE說的一番話很能說明問題。
Cameron:」 According to Freud, and I』m paraphrasing. Instinct of love toward an object demands a mastery to obtain it . And if a person feels they can』t control the object or feel threatened by it, they act negatively toward it…like an eighth-grade boy punching a girl.」
HOUSE:」 I treat you like garbage…so I must really like you?... Given your Freudian theory, what does it mean if I start being nice to you? 」
Cameron:」…that you are getting in touch with your feelings.」
HOUSE:」 Em… So there is absolutely nothing I can do that make you think that I don』t like you?」
Cameron:」 Sorry, no……I』ve one evening with you, one chance. And I don』t wanna waste it talking about what wines you like or movies you hate. I wanna know how you feel…about me… 」
HOUSE:」 You live under the delusion that you can fix everything that isn』t perfect. It’s why you married a man who was dying of cancer. You don』t love, you need. And now that your husband is dead ,you are looking for your new charity case. That’s why you are going out with me. I am twice your age, and not great looking, and not charming, and not even nice. What I am is what you need…I am damaged…」

Stacy:」 It never occurred to me…that you couldn』t figure out what’s wrong.
They hugged and sighed.
HOUSE:」 I haven』t given up…」
當擁抱之後Stacy問出的第一句話是」what do we do?」 的時候,HOUSE又在想什麼呢?
HOUSE:」 we wait.」
Stacy:」 for what?」
HOUSE:」something to change. It’s one of the great tragedies of life, something always…something always changes.」

HOUSE:」 Why would you not tell your oldest friends that you were taking Mark to Princeton Plainsboro teaching hospital to try to save his life?」
Stacy:」 I have been busy. I haven』t kept track of who knows what.」
HOUSE:」 see, my old friends are telling me to be careful. They seem to think…」
Stacy:」HE! And he sent me the bear.」
HOUSE:「…figures, he seems to think…that I am not over you. And it might be dangerous for me to spend time with you. I am thinking your friends might have similar concerns. So you didn』t tell him you』d be here with me?」
Stacy:」 what’s your point? And I am still in love with you? I should abandon my dying husband and we should head for Rio?
HOUSE:」 no.」
Stacy:」 Greg, I appreciate what you are doing for us, but maybe Wilson is right, maybe you should just stay away with me.」

Wilson:」 what’s up?」
HOUSE:」 love the bear, it was adorable.
Wilson:」 my wife is going to kill me, we are having company, and she cooked.」
HOSUE:」 I got Mark’s latest blood work. He’s not responding in treatment.」
Wilson:」 I』m sorry.」
HOUSE:」 I was happy. He’s my patient. I am sure he’s a good guy and probably a great guy. Probably a much better guy than I am, and some part of me wants him to die. I』m just not sure of it’s because…I wanna be with her, or it’s because I want her to suffer.」

Cameron:」 Dr. HOUSE? How’s he doing?」
HOUSE:」 never better.」
Cameron:」I thought you were too screwed up to love anyone. I was wrong. You just couldn』t love me. It’s good. I』m happy for you.」

Stacy:」 you fixed him. 「
HOUSE:」 de nada.」
Stacy :」thank you… You were right.」
HOUSE:」 He’s gonna be fine.」
Stacy:」 No, about me. I』m not over you. You were, you were the one. You always will be…but I can』t be with you.」
HOUSE:」 …so I』m the guy, but you want the other guy, who by definition can never be the guy.」
Stacy:」 what’s the great about you is you always think you are right. What is so frustrating about is you are right so much of the time… You are brilliant, funny, surprising, sexy. But with you I was lonely, with Mark, there is room for me.」

而我知道Dr. HOUSE的故事才剛剛開始,之後有更多出人意料,令人發笑,唏噓,惱怒的故事等著我。
It’s over and continued…