

7.9 / 1,288,616人    194分鐘

導演: 詹姆斯卡麥隆
編劇: 詹姆斯卡麥隆
演員: 李奧納多狄卡皮歐 凱特溫絲蕾 比利贊恩 凱西貝茲 比爾派斯頓


2010-05-05 04:53:45

jack and rose

it's not possible for me to remember how many movies i have watched, experienced both sad and happy emotions, as well, I have no idea which is the most resplendent and most deeply etched in my hearts. However, there is one accompanying me through many significant points in my 22 years life, Titanic.

1997 is the year from which forward, I begun having the recollection of the Hollywood movie. Even now, the sensation of Titanic is still vivid in my mind. Because of the limited seats in cinema, I had to watch the whole near 200 minutes on my mama's laps. I was 9 years old that year. To tell the truth, at that time, i was truely shocked by the aminated special effect and the giant cruise liner.But love story?well,i was quite confounded with all the cryings as started. You know, just like reading daughter of sea, the love need time to reach your heart, and magically, there might be no sign of her coming......

During the intervening years between my first time and second time of watching this one, six years, the only thing that could get to my heart was the terrbile grades at school, which also was wished by the parents and teahcers. It's really wierd that in china, teachers , parents you konw just wish the love could come acound you as late as possible. So you see, no close talking between girls and boys, puppy love is purposefully billed and taught as the evil which might ruin your whole future.You should be watchful against , and only effective solution is focusing all your attentions on study. How pathetic we were!!! In that days, i subscribed to those bullshit resolutely, i turned down several girls. i didn't know what i was thinking. But as what i say she would come a day, and her power is never resistable for any people, and warning. In the second semester of ninth grade, there was an article regarding the disaster of Titanic in our textbook, so the whole grade was arranged to watch this movie at school. amazingly, when the gazes of jack and rose meet as jack in the freezing sea water, the tears spontaneously trickled down my cheek with the company of the soulful voice of cellion divon. so this is love..............

time went by in a blur, the last year of my high school was wreathed in both fear aganist the colloge entry examination and the wistfulness toward the pure and naive love. This time the severe desturction of love shown me her heart-breaking side ruthlessly.The break-up with first love pushed me into the darkest and gloomiest area for a period of one month. I watched it again, i took myself into the story of jack and rose a third time. Then I walked out step by step carefully. Now, I believe some one is out there for you, in the right time, right place, you will definitely find her. So no worry , no anxiety, no desperation, waiting in patience and smile, jack and rose are always there for you ......