名媛教育--An Education


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導演: 瓏雪兒菲格
編劇: 尼克宏比
演員: 凱莉墨里根 艾爾菲摩里納 彼得賽斯嘉 多明尼克庫柏 羅莎蒙派克


2010-05-05 22:01:04

An education in "sunday" night


Havent see movies for a while.and thank god I see this movie tonight.
I feel i'm almost aunt Xianglin if I keep on thinking of what a big mistake i have done before.but I'm sorry before I forgive myself,I still cant stop thinking of what a big lesson I should have taken in it.
So when I finish this movie"AN EDUCATION",I cant help comparing the young lady with myself.

The smart girl give up her original dream after meeting a playboy and lose all she had including herself.In the whole scenario,She argued with all the man standing opposite to her choice in what seems to be incontrovertible reasons, cause she used the scars that hurt most to anyone by hitting the nail on the head.so at last,everybody have to stand by watching herself ruined her life.The day when she wake up finding everything is gone,she blamed the man knowing all the situation why he allowed her being with a married guy without a word,the man said"If you want to say that conversation,you watched David and I help ourselves with a map,and you didnt say much either"
And when she face her beloved parents,she said"now you are my father again right?what were you when you encourgaged me to threw my life away,Silly schoolgirls are always getting seduced by glamorous older men.and where were you then"

 IF one can only learn the lesson after she fell down,I really doubt her intellengence.
Or are we getting too involved in the so said romantic love?
Fortunately,she is still young.by the end of the stupid year,she returned into her own life again and get the offer from the university.
There are some words I cant forget.For me they are much more than impressive
"I feel old,but not very wise"
 "I probabely looked as wide-eyed,fresh and artless, as any other students,but i wasnt.""Yes,I wasn't,because I'm learning,learning to find who am I,and what is I really need. "
"The life I want,no short-cut"
To tell the truth I feel so shamed that I find out this when I was so much elder than the girl.but I'm still a schoolgirl at that time,right?(So maybe I could stop blaming myself by thinking of this?)
And at last I want to say ,for most of the guys,this movie is boring and meaningless.but I only can say for some people,when you are still so young,pls take a minute to have a look at it,to learn from it and to remember,if somebody be with you ignoring your smart ,leave! and to learn that-----Happiness will come and last only when your choice are made by you sense.