Lie to me里處處都是名言警句
Survival of the fittest: It's not about being fit, it's about being adaptable to change.
Season 1 Episode 05: Unchained
Cal: Sure he is. Read your darwin. Survival of the fittest: It's not about being fit, it's about being adaptable to change.
第一季第五集,關於判斷幫會老大是否改過自新,Dr. Cal Lightman針對Ria Torres的質疑,說得一句話。
"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change."
——Charles Darwin (1809-1882)
但我在達爾文1859年出版的《物種起源》全文里並沒有找到這句話,查找了一下維基百科:似乎這句話原作者是,Clarence Darrow(克萊倫斯·丹諾),被後人譽為美國曆史上最偉大的辯護律師。
這句話是他在著名的案件「Scopes Monkey Trial」(1925年)中作為辯護律師,為達爾文教育體系辯護時說到的。
"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but rather the one most adaptable to change."
——Clarence Darrow(1857-1938)
All luck is earned, in the end.
Season 2, Episode 5: Grievous Bodily Harm
Cal: Well, all luck is earned, in the end.
Cal Lightman的舊識泰瑞 Marsh讓他捲入了一場黑幫交易,最後Cal幫助泰瑞擺脫了黑幫和FBI。在泰瑞說自己是一個very lucky man的時候Cal說了這句話。(Cal從小失去父母,泰瑞一家收留了他,雖然泰瑞家沒有多餘的房間甚至沒有錢。一天Cal和泰瑞闖了禍被警察發現,泰瑞為了Cal引開了警察,被關了三年。在他讓Cal逃脫的時候說:「You're supposed to use that brain of yours up to something, not be dragged down into the muck by stupid bastards like me」)
So, all luck is earned, in the end. Cal is right.
You never trust anyone, do you? You know, that's why you'll always be alone.
Season 2, Episode 20: Exposed
Emily: You never trust anyone, do you? You know, that's why you'll always be alone.
if you don't talk about it, that ... maybe it never happened?
Season 2, Episode 21: Darkness and Light
Gillian: Do you feel like if you don't talk about it, that ... maybe it never happened?
確實我們心裡也有一些不願意或者害怕提及的事實,但是不說就代表沒有發生嗎?事實就是事實,真相永遠是真相。想起來今天看「百科全說」里營養師林海峰說的關於保持良好情緒的2個口頭禪「情況就是這樣」「你也不容易」。其實第一句說的也是這個意思,要接納事實。而「做真相的情人」也是Byron Katie在《Loving what is》裡強調的精髓。昨天在《The Road Less Traveled》裡看到一句話:... the children who are loved ... with a deepseated feeling that they are lovable and valuable and therefore will be loved and cared for as long as they remain true to themselves.