放牛班的春天--The Choir


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導演: 克里斯巴哈蒂
編劇: 克里斯巴哈蒂
演員: 法藍柯波蘭德 尚巴堤莫里耶


2010-05-09 02:49:01

Les choristes

         Everytime as i put on the sound track of Les choristes, a picture featuring the childhood, tireless runing, profuse sweat on the forehead, cherubic smiles is invoked in my mind. This is the magic brought on everyone's heart . we know the velvety voice from the harmless, naive, pure children is the most beautiful thing that ever made on this planet. That's also the most tremendous gift from the God. Today, people live in a world full of the hatred, hypocrisy, insatiable greed. it seems that we can never find back our innocence and happy in childhood, in which everything is noble and transparent, in which we feel no threat from others, feel free and unshackled.

         Pathetically, we have to resort to this movie in search for the long-absent calmness and peace in our hearts. we have been possessed by the evil of desire. And apparent, the single source to obtain pleasure from myriad people is filling our fathomless hole of lust.